Announcement and Call for Presentations

for the first
Where: Superpod5 event
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington
When: Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
Superpod 5 is the fifth in a series of annual gatherings on San Juan Island
open to the public and attended by
an international group of scientists, filmmakers, authors, journalists, former trainers, naturalists, orca advocates.
If you are a student or young professional working on
marine mammal protection, conservation, welfare and rights by applying your education and skills in
such areas as science (biology, psychology, environmental, veterinary, etc.), business, law, photography, filmmaking, and teaching this is your opportunity to share your work with an international group of scientists, marine mammal training and care experts, and advocates.
Call for Abstracts
(Deadline June 24, 2016)
We are accepting submissions for presentations in the forms of either a poster or talk based on your work studying and advocating for marine mammals. (Note: Only noninvasive studies with marine mammals will be accepted).
Please submit a one-page abstract (with your name, email address, city and state) describing what you would like to present
along with a brief bio to:
Dr. Lori Marino
(Any questions? Contact me.)
Information about Presentation Formats
Poster: Maximum poster size: 4 X 4 feet and must include the title and your name. Materials for hanging posters will be provided. It is recommended that you provide hardcopy summaries of your poster for participants to take back home.
Talk: Duration no longer than 15 minutes. Please aim for approx. 12 minutes for your talk and 3 minutes for questions. You are encouraged to use visual aids, e.g., PowerPoint slides, videos.
More details to follow.